The PVGF1 station as seen in 2009. |
The station ran for two and half years before its ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) stopped communicating. This led to the removal of the station's underwater instruments (the ADCP, and a CT) on October 20th, 2011 and to the effective end of FACE's role in the project. After this, the station continued to lead a second life as a meteorological-only, CREWS-only station, now connected by a cellular modem which gives us on-demand access to its detailed data reserves. For example, the analog air temperature and pressure sensors are sampled every five seconds and each of those 5-second readings are stored separately in memory and downloaded to CHAMP servers every five minutes. It is also possible to access and update the station's programming at any time via the cellular modem.
Meanwhile the station's SAT-HDR-GOES transmitter appears to be failing. This satellite transmitter was the station's original means of communications when first deployed in 2009. Its reliability was decidedly uneven until October of 2011, when two things happened: one, we swapped one transmitter for another of the same model, and two, we deployed the cellular modem. These two means of communications continued to operate fully redundantly until August of 2014, when there started to be a large number of transmission problems on the satellite side. However, these problems amounted to little more than an intellectual curiosity since the cellular modem continues to supply all of our connectivity needs and then some. The satellite transmitter, which is essentially obsolete in this configuration, continues to experience problems as of this writing and at some point our processing will be updated to simply ignore it.
The station is now five and a half years old and continues to provide significant meteorological data as well as act as an important test site for CHAMP cellular communications. Its underwater experiments could be easily resumed at any time if the need/interest arises.