This Study in the Port Everglades Shipping Channel in Florida is a collaboration between several partners, to investigate the potential pollutant loading characteristics of the Port Everglades Inlet into the Southeast Florida coastal ocean, including an ecologically and economically important section of the Florida Reef Tract. Additional information about the FACE Port Everglades Study can be found here:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
programming update, station photos
The CREWS/FACE station at Port Everglades today had its datalogger programming updated, and at the same time its locally-stored data were collected from memory. These data downloads will be used to "patch" the archives where any of the hourly satellite transmissions failed to get through, and they also include data from the ADCP which does not report its data to the datalogger for near-real time dissemination.
New programming updates will now make it possible for us to feed this station's data to the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), whence they will be included in the WMO's Global Telecommunications System (GTS), making them available for use by national weather services all over the world. Look for the station's NDBC reports at: